So the biggest obstacle in couponing is getting a hold of free or practically free Sunday papers. If you have to pay for the papers/coupons then you are really not saving much money by using the coupons. I just found this great deal at The Coupon Project on a "News Tribune" Subscription that makes their Sunday paper lots less expensive. If you order a subscription for just one Sunday paper they charge you $3.75 to deliver it or $2 when you buy it from a stand/store, but if you mention this deal when you call you get 3 papers for only $3 per week delivered. Plus the News Tribune is the only paper I have found in my area that gives you all 3 coupon inserts: Smartsource, Redplum, and P&G. Seattle Times doesn't give you the Redplum.
It may be silly, but this makes me so excited! :)