Monday, October 26, 2009

Firestation Field Trip

Leora's preschool had a field trip to the Firestation. Leora was very hesitant at the beginning. She didn't want to try any of the gear on, but by the end she was excited about everything. Thanks to Firefighter Nathan who helped her overcome her shyness! When we left Leora said, "Mom, this firestation is awesome!". Here are some pictures:
In ambulance with Firefigter Nathan

Firefighter Brian showing what all the switches do

Firefighter Nathan suited up and Firefighter Nanette talking about fire safety

Done driving the fire truck

Riding in the ambulance

With Firefighter Nathan in the ambulance measuring Leora's oxygen levels

With the class, Teacher Becky, and Firefighter Nathan

Leora and Lily watching the truck lights flash

Leora trying to lift the oxygen tank, no luck! Too heavy.

With Firefighter Brian who gets to really drive the Fire truck

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

What a fun preschool field trip!