Sunday, December 27, 2009


I had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year since I've been just awful sick. The girls put the tree up almost completely on their own. I put the lights on and that's about it. However, while they were decorating the tree the stand broke. Oh well! I guess we're due for a new tree, but I wasn't about to try and fix the stand so the tree just leaned against the wall for this season. Leo decided to try and eat the tree lights, so the bottom strand stopped working and the branches got bent from him trying to get decorations off to play with.

The girls had a good time opening presents. They got exactly what they wanted from Santa, and Emma asked why Santa has the same wrapping paper as we do. Eddie told her that Santa's sleigh got in an accident and he asked Dad to wrap the presents for him, because he was running behind schedule. :) She was satisfied with that!

I have to say that Emma took all these pictures with her new camera she got for Christmas. Which is why she isn't in any of them. Sorry! Like I said, I wasn't really in the Christmas mood.

Leora got a Barbie guitar from Santa, iTurtle from Mom, He-Man movies & microphone stand from Dad, and Pterydactel from Emma.

Emma got a Cake Bakery Set from Santa, digital camera from Mom, He-Man movies & microphone stand from Dad, and lip gloss from Leora.

Emma and Leora gave Eddie a stuffed Boxer, and Me a new nightgown and robe.

It was a nice christmas having family come into town and stay with us. Family is really what christmas is about for me.

1 comment:

Shannon Abbott said...

I'm glad that you had your family there. I'm so sorry that you are sick. Were you sick with your other two?