Friday, August 8, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Okay, so I have to admit that I am a big Twilight series fan. I loved the first 3 books. So since I get off work at midnight most of the time I decided that on my way home at 12:30am the morning of August 2nd I would stop by the super Walmart and pick up the book. That way Eddie didn't have to go with me to Costco or Target just to get the book, and so I could avoid him rolling his eyes at me. I finished the book in 4 days. Slower than other people I know, but according to Eddie, way too fast. His words were, "That must be a really good book!" Well, the truth is that I did like the book, however, was disappointed by Stephenie Meyer. I know that the series is categorized under teen books and is therefore advertised to the world of teenagers. The first 3 books of the series I felt were age appropriate for teens, but the 4th book is not.
I just kept thinking while I was reading "Breaking Dawn" that there were so many young teenagers, meaning age 12 to 15, that were reading this book at the same time I was that I felt shouldn't be reading it. There were moments in the book that I felt were too steamy for a young teenager to be reading. We try to shield our children from certain things until they are mature enough to really understand them. I feel that she wrote the book very tastefully, but just kept thinking about a 13 year old reading the book bothered me.

I admit that I liked the steamy moments and other violence that has escalated from the previous books. It made the book better for me, and is what kept me reading. Unfortunately it also kept younger readers reading on as well. If Stephenie's book "The Host" was categorized as an adult book then "Breaking Dawn" definitely should have been the same!
I won't put any spoilers in here, since most people haven't finished the book yet. The book made me love Jacob more, and get really irritated at Bella a lot of the time.


Shannon Abbott said...

I have never read any of those books. I feel like I'm not in the cool crowd. OH WELL! BTW I like you hair.

Jessica said...

I LOVED the book too, I read it in just a few days too, Trav was excited to have me finished, I do agree on the steaminess of the book, maybe not appropriate for youngsters. But super good, I hope she writes another, there seems to be more that could have been written.

Kaybee said...

I heard Stephenie Meyers say that this book was then end of Bella's story, but she is currently writing the first book from Edward's perspective now. It will be titled "Midnight Sun", which is her next project.