Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a Day!

All I can say right now is "What a Day!". It started at 4am this morning. I woke up to see the power had gone out and all the clocks were flashing. It appears the power went out at 2am. Then I got a telephone call at 6am from the school district telling me that school was being cancelled for the day due to freezing temperatures and snow forcast throughout the day.

Now, I had planned to spend the day making caramel and christmas treats to hand out. I even thought that having Emma home would actually help today since I didn't have to keep watching the clock. Well, needless to say, it was a nonstop, crazy day. First thing this morning, I helped the girls bundle up so they could go play in the fresh snow, hopped in the shower and started getting ready. Eddie called and said the Comcast cable guy was almost to the house to fix the internet, so I rushed to get the dogs inside so they didn't bother him. While the cable guy was here the two neighbor girls came over asking if Emma and Leora could play. I welcomed them in knowing they would help keep the girls busy. I started making caramel since it takes an hour to make and I had a lot of work I needed to get done. While making the caramel I was talking with the cable guy, talking with Zara from next door who seemed to be more interested in me than playing with the girls, and was trying to keep things for the girls to do (playdough & movie "Horton hears a Who" were some solutions).

With all the distractions this morning and my schedule being thoroughly thrown off I had completely forgotten to feed the dogs breakfast! The dogs get very irritable when they don't get their food. Normally it is obvious that when I forget to feed them because they keep bugging me until I do, but with the neighbors over I think they were distracted too. Molly started a fight with Leo over a piece of food the girls had dropped on the floor that she wanted! It was pretty intense between them so I got mad and put them outside. The dogs fight occasionally, and Molly usually instigates it. This time Molly got her comeupance! When Leo bit her ear during their scuffle he tore a 2 inch hole threw it and cut her in a couple spots on her face. She had blood all over her face and throat. When I saw the hole I flipped out.

Eddie had taken my car to work since his car couldn't make it up our driveway this morning. So I was left with his car and the truck, which wouldn't fit me, Molly, and the girls together. The roads were bad because of the snow. I just kept saying, "You had to get in a fight today! Of all days! Today!" I really didn't want to leave the house and fight the weather. I cleaned her wound and tried to bandage it. She immediately got the bandage off, so I decided I needed to take her to the vet. I called a few local vets cause I didn't want to drive the distance to her usual vet. No one answered their phones, and some of them were closed because the schools were closed. That's what you get for living in a small town I guess. I found a vet in Purdy that could see her, so my neighbor let the girls go over there and I took Molly in. The snow was bad enough that I just stayed at the vets office during the procedure rather than risk going anywhere. Molly is now all bandaged up, which she keeps trying to get off. We carried her to the truck because she was still pretty tipsy after the procedure was done and I wanted to get home.

It was an expensive fix for Molly too. My jaw dropped when they told me how much it cost for the procedure. I was wishing I had just taken her to her usual vet. It would have saved me a lot of money. They nickled and dimed me for everything. I'm going to dispute some of the charges when I go back on Friday to have her bandages changed.

So a day of making christmas treats turned into a day I don't want to repeat anytime soon.


Leilani Bascom said...

Um, whoa! Poor Molly! Glad you are surviving! I love you and miss you!

Jenette said...

What an awful day...

Shannon Abbott said...

That sucks!!!!! I'm so sorry!